Address of Thermalbath: Hungary H-4032 Debrecen Nagyerdei Park 1.
For information call: +36-52/514-100
Fax: +36-52/346-883
The Thermalbath Debrecen in Debrecen's Great Forest (Nagyerdő) has been a special medicinal area since 1960.
In its domed bathing hall there are four pools with thermal water, changing baths and steam rooms in an area
of about 11,000 m2.
Weight bath treatment and underwater therapeutic exercises are held in two separate, specially built pools.
The lido is closely connected
to the thermal baths and has eight pools including medicinal pools, a long competition pool, a pool with artificial
waves, a Splash pool and two children's pools.
Medicinal content of the water in Thermalbaths of Debrecen:
Alkali chloride hydrogen carbonate medicinal water with iodine, bromide and sodium chloride also containing
significant amounts of calcium, magnesium and metaboric acid. The water temperature is 63 °C.
Health services in Baths Debrecen:
Balneotherapy: Pool bath, Medicinal tub bath, Effervescent treatment, Mud pack.
Hydrotherapy: Weight bath, Underwater jet massage.
Mechanotherapy: Individual therapeutic exercises, Group therapeutic exercises, Underwater exercise, Massage.
Electrotherapy: Galvanic treatment, Iontophoresis, Diadynamics, Short wave treatment, Selective stimulus current
treatment, Ca electrostatis, Ultrasound treatment, Interferometry.
Hydro-electric treatment: Electric tub bath, electric limb bath.
Other medical service: Dentistry.
Other treatment in Thermal bath Debrecen: Phytotherapy, Inhalation therapy.
Other special services: Sport massage, Foot massage.
Games and sports: Playground, Foot tennis, Basketball, Beach ball.
Local sights:
1. Zoo
2. Botanical Garden
3. Debrecen Great Forest
4. Déri Museum
5. Hortobágy Great Plain National Park
6. Contemporary Gallery (Kortárs Galéria)
7. Great Church
8. Calvinist College
9. Amusement Park
Thermalbath Debrecen accessible
by train, coach or car on roads M3, 33 or 4 and there is also a small airport near the city.
More Baths in Hungary: Cure- and wellness Bath in West-Hungary
Thermalbath with swimming-, wave-, baby pool
Thermalbad Debrecen, Erlebnisbad Aquaticum
Debrecen liegt 230 km östlich von Budapest und gilt als Stadt der Wissenschaft, Kultur, Kunst und nicht zuletzt der
Religion. Als Zentrum der ungarischen reformierten Kirche wird die Stadt oft auch als kalvinistisches Rom bezeichnet.
Das Thermalbad, Erlebnisbad Debrecen - Der große Badekomplex befindet sich im schönsten Teil Debrecens, im Park Nagyerdő ("Großwald"). Das chlorid- brom-
jod- und hydrogenkarbonathaltige Heilwasser wird für die Behandlung von Erkrankungen der Bewegungsorgane genutzt. Das
moderne therapeutische Zentrum ist knapp zehn Jahre alt. Im Sommer 1998 eröffnete das mit dem Therapiezentrum verbundene
Vier-Sterne-Hotel "Termál", es erwartet seine Gäste mit ausgezeichnetem Service.
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